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Clos Y Ddraig Goch, Newtown (Red Dragon)

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The completion of Clos y Ddraig Goch (Red Dragon) housing development represents a significant step forward in providing sustainable and affordable housing in Newtown.

This project, built on the former site of the Red Dragon public house and Newtown youth centre, includes 18 energy-efficient dwellings ranging from a three-bedroom bungalow to a five-bedroom house. Managed by Powys County Council, this £3.6 million development addresses the urgent need for general needs accommodation, offering affordable rent to applicants on the Powys Common Housing Register.

The development's design is WDQR compliant and emphasizes sustainability by using Welsh-grown timber for the frame walls and wood fibre insulation, avoiding environmentally harmful materials like blockwork and polyurethane. The focus on low embodied and operational carbon is evident in the use of air source heat pumps for heating and hot water, which are more environmentally friendly than traditional gas systems. Additionally, the choice of low-maintenance, low-carbon materials, such as aluminium-clad timber windows and powder-coated aluminium rainwater goods, further underscores our commitment to sustainability.

This project was made possible with the support of the Welsh Government, which provided a £2.4 million grant through its Innovative Housing Programme. Their contribution has been crucial in realizing this vision of eco-friendly, affordable housing.

As we celebrate the completion of Clos y Ddraig Goch, we look forward to seeing this development flourish as a cornerstone of the Newtown community. We are confident that these new homes will provide a safe, comfortable, and sustainable living environment for all residents. Thank you to everyone involved in bringing this project to fruition. 

Project Completed: December 2023

New council housing development official opened in Newtown - Powys County Council



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