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Annual Report of Director of Social Services

The Social Services and Wellbeing (Wales) Act 2014 requires Powys County Council to share a report showing how it has promoted resident's well-being and account for its delivery of the well-being standards.

Every year the Director of Social Services completes this report. This report used to be called the Social Care ACRF (Annual Council Reporting Framework).

Director of Social Services Annual Report 2023-24 (PDF, 5 MB)

You can access previous reports here: Previous reports of Director of Social Services

The report sets out the Local Authority's improvement journey in providing social services to people in Powys including those who access information about services, request advice and assistance, or for those with care and support needs.

It outlines what we said we were going to do, what has been achieved and the future and ongoing work to promote good wellbeing outcomes for Powys' residents.

This report is provided to Powys County Councillors and Care Inspectorate Wales (CIW) and we welcome your feedback.

To give any feedback or ask any questions about this report, or if you have a compliment, please contact / 01597 827515

If you have a complaint about a service, please use our complaints process.


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