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Business Rates: Part Occupied Relief


  • Relief Type: Part Occupation Relief
  • Relief %: Any % and amount
  • Who Qualifies: Any business can make application for Part Occupation Relief part of a property is unoccupied for a 'short period of time'. When exercising discretion the Council must apply the general rule that a person who occupies part of a property is deemed to occupy the whole of the property. It is not intended that because part of a property is not in use that it should be taken out of rating.

    Where there are practical difficulties in occupying or vacating a property in one operation, or where a building or manufacturing site becomes temporarily redundant it might be reasonable to award rate relief. Part Occupation Relief is now time limited to 3 months for most businesses and 6 months for industrial properties due to the introduction of the Empty Property Relief changes.
  • How to Claim: Application to provide eligibility of entitlement followed by an inspection of the premises.



  • Phone: 01597 827463 (office opening hours 9am - 1pm Mon - Fri)

    The council tax/ business rates & awards service will only be taking calls between the hours of 9am till 1pm. We aim to have a full complement of staff during these hours to help improve call response times.
  • Email: 
  • Write to us at: Powys County Hall, Spa Road East, Llandrindod Wells, Powys, LD1 5LG

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