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How to become a Local Authority Governor

Local Authority Governors must be able to demonstrate a commitment to their ongoing training and development and to getting to know their school well.


Your local Councillor(s) must be aware of your application and has endorsed the application to become a Local Authority governor.


A thorough and comprehensive induction is essential if new governors are to understand their role and make an effective contribution to their governing body, and local authority governors who are new to school governance are expected to attend the mandatory Induction and Data training within their first twelve months of appointment.  Local Authority governors are also expected to familiarise themselves with the national priorities and school priorities and be willing to keep their knowledge and skills up to date.



Local authority governors should have expertise or life expertise or life experience which will contribute to the skills set of the governing body including:

  • Business or professional expertise
  • Experience as a school governor, trustee, or other voluntary role
  • Experience of working with children, young people, or families.


Skills and Attributes

Local authority governors will be able to demonstrate the following:

  • A passion and commitment to school improvement and raising standards to enable every child and young person to achieve their potential.
  • Commitment to working as part of a team.
  • An enquiring mind with the ability to support and appropriately challenge the headteacher and school leadership team.
  • Commitment to fulfilling the role of local authority governor e.g., attending meetings, reading paperwork, and visiting the school.


Values and Behaviours

Local Authority governors must agree to:

  • Working as part of a team, expressing their views openly, courteously, and respectfully
  • Respecting confidentiality and the need to act with caution including using social networking sites responsibly.
  • Record any business interests in connection with the governing bodies business and declare any conflict of interest.
  • Uphold the Seven Principles of Public Life
  • Uphold the Council's values of professional, positive, progressive, open, and collaborative.


Local authority governors are expected to sign the Code of Conduct for their governing body on an annual basis


To request a link to the application form please contact Governor Support, details below.


Follow us on:

  • Facebook: PowysGovernors (information regarding training, newsletters and lots more - this is a closed group for current governors only)
  • Twitter:

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