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Notice: The Council Tax and Awards (benefits) phone lines will be closed on Friday 14 March due to a system update.

Privacy Notice for Social Care Workforce Training

In order to delivery our Social Care Workforce Training to you, we will collect and hold some personal information about you. This will include:

  • your name,
  • phone number,
  • email address,
  • payroll number (Powys County Council Staff only);

We need to use this information so that we can provide the appropriate training to you and ensure your training records are updated correctly


How we use this information

Your email address is used to confirm your booking and to email you regarding any other information about the forthcoming training. 

There may be some occasions where need to cancel training at short notice, for example, if the trainer is taken ill, bad weather.  If this happens, we will send an email and we will also try and call you.

We will also email you about any training we have arranged.

We ask for Powys County Council Staff's Payroll number to ensure that we can update your training records on TRENT correctly.


Who can see this information

The data we hold about you is held on a secured database within the website platform, but your information will only be used by the Training Department to process your booking.

For face-to-face and online training, we will share your information with the training providers and their trainers.


Accuracy of our data

It is important that the information we hold about you is accurate. If any of your details change, please update your profile on the 'Powys Account'


Further Information

This information on this page describes the data held by the training department. For more information on how Powys County Council secures your personal data, including your rights as a data subject, please see our corporate Privacy Notice.

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