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Notice: We will be carrying out maintenance on the Powys County Council website on Wednesday, 12 March

Powys Nature Partnership

The Powys Nature Partnership is a group of organisations and individuals working together to coordinate nature recovery actions with the aim of halting and reversing declines in biodiversity across Powys

It is one of 25 Local Nature Partnerships across Wales, representing every part of the country and combining to form a Wales wide network of people and organisations with environmental knowledge and a passion for restoring biodiversity.

Local Nature Partnerships are a point of contact, alive to opportunities and are a proactive voice for nature in your community. We provide biodiversity advice, maximise funding opportunities and collaborations, empower community groups to take action and target community engagement activities by drawing on their skill sets and those of LNP members. We complement and reinforce national nature recovery efforts, providing local context and operate at geographical scales that are meaningful to local communities.

Our aims

The Partnership, hosted by Powys County Council, aims to build resilient nature recovery networks which are bigger, better and more joined up.

The success of the Powys Nature Recovery Action Plan will depend on collaboration and long-term commitment of the Powys Nature Partnership. We will maximise our efforts by working together and getting more people, organisations, businesses and schools involved.

By getting everyone involved in nature recovery we can deliver the actions within the Powys Nature Recovery Action Plan, our strategy for nature recovery in Powys.


Membership of the Powys Nature Partnership is open to organisations and individuals willing to work collaboratively to further the aims of the Partnership. Individuals with skills, time or expertise which they are willing to share in order to contribute to the work of the partnership are welcome to join.

We hold two in person meetings each year and have a monthly Powys Nature News emailed newsletter. If you'd like to join the Powys Nature Partnership and receive Powys Nature News please contact us

  • Our next meeting is on Thursday 6 March 2025, 10am to 1pm. Please contact us if you'd like to attend.

The Powys Nature Partnership covers the whole of Powys excluding Bannau Brycheiniog National Park. This is covered by a separate Local Nature Partnership and Nature Recovery Action Plan.




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