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Notice: Full details of the new Household Recycling Centre booking system and charges for DIY waste are available on the council website.

The Welsh Language

There are Welsh speakers in all parts of Powys, with 1 in every 5 of our residents speaking Welsh.

The Council has a statutory duty to provide services in Welsh, and consider the Welsh language at all times when making decisions, to nurture and develop the language within our communities, and contribute to the Welsh Government's aim of achieving one million Welsh speakers by 2050.

The sections below provide further information about the duties placed upon the Council, information about the Welsh language in Powys, and links to further information about increasing the use of Welsh.

Welsh Language Standards

The duties placed upon the Council to provide quality services through the medium of Welsh and consider the impact of decisions on the Welsh language

Welsh Language Promotion Strategy 2025-30

This is our plan for how we will promote the Welsh Language in Powys over the next five years.

Destination Bilingual

Information for parents about choosing a Welsh-medium education for their children so that they can become bilingual and fluent in Welsh and English.

Learn Welsh

If you would like to learn Welsh, then visit the Learn Welsh website for information on courses in your area.

Mentrau Iaith

Information about the two Welsh language initiatives operating in Powys, to promote the Welsh Language within their area.

Working for us in Welsh

Would you like to use your Welsh in the workplace and to help your community? If so, why not consider a role with Powys County Council.

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