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Notice: The Council Tax and Awards (benefits) phone lines will be closed on Friday 14 March due to a system update.

Our Vision and Principles

Our Commissioning Vision

It is Powys County Council's commissioning vision to be an:

innovative, agile commissioning organisation that secures better outcomes for its residents by commissioning the right services from the right provider, at the right time and at the right price.

Our principles

As a commissioning council we are committed to developing high quality commissioning practice underpinned by a set of core commissioning principles. To that end we are committed to ensuring

  • Outcomes - we will focus on Commissioning for Outcomes rather than commissioning of services, using the Council's commissioning toolkit
  • Monitoring - we will apply a robust contract and supplier monitoring and management regime to ensure benefits realisation and maximise continuous improvement
  • Self-reliance - we will work with residents, service users, volunteers and voluntary groups, community bodies, business and our partners to help people to be more self-reliant, devolve services and build stronger communities
  • Local delivery - we will focus on community engagement, supplier and provider engagement, service delivery and public access, working with all stakeholders
  • Valued Services - we prioritise services that deliver outcomes for a better Powys and focuses on vulnerable groups


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