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Have your say on the Shared Prosperity Fund

Image of hands holding pound coins with small plant growing

10 June 2022

Image of hands holding pound coins with small plant growing
Powys and Ceredigion County Councils are working in partnership to develop a Regional Investment Plan in order to secure funding through the UK Government's Shared Prosperity Fund (UKSPF).

We are running a survey until 19 June to give you the chance to have your say on how the funding can be best spent.

The primary goal of the UKSPF is to build pride in place and increase life chances across the UK. Included in the goal are three investment priorities: Communities and Place; Supporting Local Business; and People and Skills, and also an adult numeracy priority, called "Multiply".

For each of these themes, the UK Government has suggested ways in which the funding might be used. These are called "interventions". We want to understand which of these are most important to you.

In our survey, you are given the opportunity to express how you would spend the money by voting for your highest priority actions.

This engagement exercise will be used to help shape the high-level priorities for developing the regional investment plan. It does not invite or agree projects at this stage. There will be a separate process after the regional investment plan is agreed, that will invite and agree projects.

The survey is available to view at:  and will close on Sunday 19th June.