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Planning Policy Privacy Notice

In order to prepare the Replacement Local Development Plan, it is necessary for Powys County Council ('PCC') to collect, gather, and process personal data about individuals and organisations.

On this page

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As a controller, the council determines the purpose and methods for processing information and ensures safeguards over any personal and/or sensitive information it handles.

Who "we" are

Planning Policy Team

Powys County Hall
Spa Road East
Llandrindod Wells


Telephone: 01597 826000

Data Protection Officer:

The council's Data Protection Officer can be contacted by email at and by phone at 01597 826000

Why we process your personal data

PCC has a legal duty to prepare a Replacement Local Development Plan as part of its statutory planning functions, listed under part six of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act, 2004. To enable us to prepare the Replacement Local Development Plan, we need to process your data so we can:

  • Make you aware of public consultations,
  • Keep you up to date on the progress of the Replacement Local Development Plan,
  • To maintain our own accounts and records regarding any representations you submit,
  • To maintain our own accounts and records regarding any candidate sites you submit.

What type/classes of personal data do we handle?

In order to carry out our functions in relation to the preparation of the Replacement Local Development Plan, PCC may obtain, and use personal data including the following:

  • Personal details (including such things as your Name, Address, Email Address, Telephone Number).
  • Land or property ownership (for landowners submitting candidate sites).

PCC will only use appropriate personal data necessary to fulfil the purposes outlined within this privacy notice.

Who information is processed about

In order to carry out the purposes described above in why we process your personal data Powys County Council may obtain and use personal data about the following:

  • Individuals and organisations who have requested to be kept informed of the Replacement Local Development Plans progress and consultations.
  • Individuals and organisations who have requested to be kept informed of the Replacement Local Development Plans candidate site process.
  • Individuals and organisations who have submitted candidate sites.
  • Individuals and organisations who have submitted representations.

Where do we obtain personal data from?

In order to carry out the purposes described above PCC may obtain personal data from a variety of sources, including the following:

  • Individuals and organisations themselves
  • Representation forms
  • Candidate site forms

PCC may also obtain personal data from other sources such as correspondence or planning application information.

Sharing your personal information

We have no need to share your information beyond the purposes of the preparation of the Replacement Local Development Plan. However, this may include sharing data with a Planning Inspector, appointed by Welsh Government from Planning and Environment Decisions Wales and a Programme Officer at the Examination in Public stage of the process.

All council officers are required to undertake relevant training to ensure that personal data is processed in accordance with the principles of data protection legislation.

The Legal Basis we rely on to process your personal information

We rely on Article 6 (1) (e) of the UK GDPR - processing is necessary for the performance of a task carried out in the public interest or in the exercise of official authority vested in the controller.

How long we keep your information

We will only keep your information for the minimum period necessary. After this time, information is deleted/destroyed in accordance with council approved retention schedules. 

Retention Schedule

A retention schedule is a list of records that need to be retained by the Council for a designated period of time. The Retention Schedule shows the title of each record, a time period for which records are to be retained, and identified the reason (legislative, regulatory and / or operational) on which retention is based.

View the Corporate Retention Schedule here

For individuals and organisations that have requested to be informed of the Replacement Local Development Plan progress/consultations and have not submitted a representation/candidate site and are not a statutory consultee, the request will be treated as time limited.  Emails will be sent out every two years requiring such users to activate their accounts. Accounts that are not activated will be deleted.

Contact details for enquiries:

The Planning Policy Team

County Hall

Spa Road East

Llandrindod Wells


Or by email to

Protecting your personal data

Powys County Council takes the security of all personal data under our control very seriously. PCC will ensure that appropriate policy, training, technical and procedural measures are in place.  This includes audit and integrity monitoring, to protect our manual and electronic information systems from data loss and misuse.  PCC will only permit access to them when there is a legitimate reason to do so, and then under strict guidelines as to what use may be made of any personal data contained within them. These procedures are continuously managed and enhanced to ensure up-to-date security.

For more information on how PCC processes personal data, your rights, and details of where to lodge a complaint to, please visit: Data Protection and Privacy


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