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Powys Child Poverty Task Force launched

Image of three people

21 July 2022

Image of three people
A task force that will tackle child poverty in Powys has been launched, the county council has announced.

The Child Poverty Task Force was launched at the Royal Welsh Show this week (19 July) by Powys County Council's Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for a Fairer Powys, Cllr Matthew Dorrance.

The task force will map the support that is currently provided by partners across Powys to support families and address any gaps that are found.

"One of commitments in our progressive partnership agreement was to form a child poverty task force to work across all the public services to alleviate the growing crisis of child poverty in our communities," said Cllr Dorrance.

"We cannot build the stronger, fairer, greener Powys we want without tackling child poverty and its causes. I'm determined to bring council services, partners and communities together to find a local plan to tackle poverty and increase social mobility."