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Notice: We will be carrying out maintenance on the Powys County Council website on Wednesday, 12 March

Annual Corporate Self-Assessment Report

Each year, every local authority in Wales must now publish a report that sets out how the Council believes the organisation has performed during the previous financial period (April - March).

The report is expected to include the Council's conclusions regarding the level of its performance and the extent to which it has fulfilled its duties and obligations. The report is not expected to present new evidence, but instead draws together the many other reports and self-assessments that the Council is responsible for developing during the course of the year. The Annual Corporate Self-Assessment report outlines the information available via these other sources and provides a series of judgements based on the recommendations made by those reports.

Further detail regarding the Council's performance in meeting its governance obligations may be obtained from the Powys Annual Governance Statement (AGS). This document sets out the processes and safeguards that Powys County Council has in place to ensure good governance practice and describes any improvements and recommendations recorded during the previous financial period. The two documents, when considered in combination, provide a comprehensive self-assessment that describes how the Council judges itself to have performed.



For further information please download the full  Annual Corporate Self-Assessment Report for 2022/23. (PDF, 1 MB)


For further information please download the full  Annual Corporate Self-Assessment Report for 2021/22. (PDF, 2 MB)

Background Information

The Local Government and Elections (Wales) Act 2021 was passed into law in April 2021 and places an obligation on local authorities in Wales to provide an annual report setting out how they are fulfilling their 'performance requirements'. In practice, this means that PCC will need to evidence:

  • That it is exercising its functions effectively
  • That it is using its resources economically, efficiently and effectively
  • The extent to which its governance is effective for securing the above

Welsh Government has defined self-assessment as:

'a way of critically, and honestly, reviewing the current position in order to make decisions on how to secure improvement for the future. Self-assessment is more than stating what arrangements are in place; it is about considering how effective these arrangements are and how they can be improved.'

In addition, Section 90 of the Act outlines Welsh Government's expectation that local authorities will, at least once in every financial period, consult with:

a) local people

b) other persons carrying out a business in the council's area

c) the staff of the council

d) every trade union which is recognised by the council

These consultations are to be used to elicit feedback on how well the authority is fulfilling its performance requirements.


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