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Powys Youth Justice Service

Youth Justice Service logo
Powys Youth Justice Service (YJS) works with young people aged 10 to 17 who have been involved in offending behaviour. YJS includes staff from social services, education, police, probation and health. We also work closely with other agencies who can help.

The YJS supervise young people who have been referred by the police, or sentenced by the youth court.

We'll look at each situation and decide what interventions are needed. These might include work specific to the offence the young person committed, support with education, training and employment, help with substance misuse and or with any health issues.

We work with the  and the  Panel to help children and young people and their families who need support at an earlier stage.


Restorative Justice is central to the work of the Powys Youth Justice Service. This means that victims, (young people and adults) of youth crime can expect to be heard, and participate if they wish.

We consult victims of youth crime and arrange for reparation and other forms of compensation to be carried out where appropriate. We also support parents and carers.


Important Advice

Should your child be arrested or questioned (voluntary interviewed) in connection with their offending behaviour, Powys Youth Justice would strongly recommend that you seek the advice of a solicitor.  Never be interviewed without speaking to your solicitor first.



  • Email:
  • Phone: 01686 614005 (north)
  • Phone: 01874 615986 (south)
  • Address: Ladywell House, 1 New Church Street, Newtown. SY16 1AF (North)
  • Address: Neuadd Brycheiniog, Cambrian Way, Brecon, Powys, LD3 7HR (south)

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