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Notice: Full details of the new Household Recycling Centre booking system and charges for DIY waste are available on the council website.

Household Energy Advice

Someone holding a smart meter

Advicelink Cymru: If you are unsure about what support is available to you, Advicelink Cymru can help you check what you are entitled to and to claim what's yours.

Age Cymru Powys: Free home energy checks are being offered for those over 65. Telephone: 01686 623707

Citizens Advice Energy CalculatorFind out which appliances in your household use the most and least energy.

Climate Action Wales - Building a greener future for Wales. Offering inspiring stories and useful tips for green choices for businesses and communities.

Energy Advocate in Powys - Severn Wye: to request free, confidential support from an energy advisor in your area.

Energy Saving TrustQuick tips and advice on how to save energy, lower your bills and reduce your carbon footprint.

Help with the cost of living: Get support and advice to help you with the increased cost of living.

MoneySavingExpertA useful website containing advice and tips on saving energy and cutting costs.

NestThe Nest scheme offers a range of free, impartial advice and, if you are eligible, a package of free home energy efficiency improvements such as a new boiler, central heating, insulation, or solar panels. This can lower your energy bills and benefit your health and wellbeing.

Rent Smart WalesDo you live in or own a rental property regulated by Rent Smart Wales? The Warm Home Fund could provide heating upgrades for hard to heat, inefficient homes. For enquiries contact 03000 133344.

Warm Wales Powys Energy Saving SchemeAn innovative Energy Saving Scheme in Powys designed to address fuel poverty and reduce carbon emissions by adopting a 'whole house' approach and solution.

CAUTION: Reports of scam emails, text messages and phone calls are increasing, with fake communications often claiming to be about energy rebates, tax refunds or other financial benefits. If you have any doubts about a message, contact the organisation directly. Don't use the numbers or address in the messages - use the details from their official website. For more advice about how to keep safe online visit: and report fraud attempts at

These pages include details of a small selection of the many websites, charities, and organisations that are available to offer help, advice and support. Please make sure that you only follow advice from credible and trusted sources. Powys County Council is not responsible for the content of external websites.

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