Private Fostering - What happens next?

Social services must be satisfied the arrangements are in the best interests of the child.
This doesn't mean they have to be perfect, but they will stop a placement if they consider it isn't in the child's best interests. This would be discussed with you and the child's parents.
- Are you a Private Foster Carer?
- Are you a parent of a child who is being looked after by a Private Foster Carer?
- Are you being looked after by a Private Foster Carer?
- Are you aware of a Private Fostering arrangement?
If you answered 'yes' to either of these questions, please contact Powys Children's Services Front Door Team via -
- Email -
- Telephone 01597 827 666 (office hours) 0345 054 4847 (out of hours)
- Complete the online form: Report a concern about a child