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Notice: We will be carrying out maintenance on the Powys County Council website on Wednesday, 12 March

Who are the Foster Carers?

Foster Carers are single people, couples or families who make their homes available to children who are, for whatever reason, unable to live with their own families. They are not trying to take your place and will work with Social Services and with you to make sure that your child is well looked after and has their needs met. Some Foster Carers give full time care, others give part time care, known as respite, to give families a regular short break from caring.  They are not Powys County Council employees.

Family holding hands on beach

All Foster Carers go through a thorough assessment process. This includes criminal records, medical and local authority checks as well as written references. All Foster Carers are approved under Fostering Service rules and the service they give is reviewed each year by an independent panel. They can only be Foster Carers if we are confident that they will be able to give a safe and loving home for a child.

Foster Carers are given thorough training and each Foster Carer has a Social Worker to support and advise them who visits regularly and makes sure that everything is going well. Your child's Social Worker will also visit and make sure that your child is happy. Your child will have their own bedroom unless they are very young, or placed with a brother or sister and they prefer to share. 

Foster carers are expected to give a high level of care to your child and a warm, loving and welcoming home for as long as your child stays with them. They have to share all information about your child with Social Services and cannot keep secrets or agree to keep any information that you share with them to themselves. They are expected to work with you, your child's Social Worker and any other professionals involved in your child's life.  Decisions about how involved you are will be agreed between you and your child's Social Worker.




  • Email:
  • Phone: 0800 22 30 627
  • Address: The Park, Newtown, Powys, SY16 2NZ (north)
  • Address: Neuadd Brycheiniog, Cambrian Way, Brecon, Powys, LD3 7HR (south)

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