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Powys County Council Customer Services Review


28 April 2023

Powys County Council has commissioned a comprehensive review over its delivery of its customer services, with the objective of being able to understand what the people of Powys think of the way the Council interacts with its customers, find out what problems the public and businesses have faced when contacting the Council, and to obtain suggestions as to how they would like to interact with the Council in the future. The information collected will allow the Council to develop new improved models of customer service delivery.  

The Council has commissioned a consultancy company, BetterGov to help the Council with this review and in turn DJS Market Research will be surveying members of the public by telephone or speaking to them in public spaces to obtain their views.

Should you be contacted or approached by DJS Market Research then Powys County Council would appreciate you taking the time to provide your views, as they are valuable to us.   

Surveys are expected to run until the 21st of May 2023.

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