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Adult Services moves out of business continuity

Image of two people holding hands

15 May 2023

Image of two people holding hands
A Powys County Council service has moved out of business continuity, almost five months after it was invoked as a preventative measure.

The council's Adult Services moved out of business continuity on Wednesday 10th May, following a review by senior leaders.

In December 2022, the service invoked its business continuity plan, as high demand across the health and care sector, combined with recruitment and retention issues and increasing levels of sickness in key areas, was impacting on service delivery.

As a result, the service stood down non-critical work so that it could redeploy staff to meet business critical activities in a smooth and planned transition.

Nina Davies, the council's Interim Director of Social Services and Housing, said: "The decision to invoke the business continuity plan for Adult Services was not taken lightly and was necessary due to the challenges that were impacting on service delivery at that time. However, it is not appropriate to remain in business continuity indefinitely.

"Despite moving out of business continuity, we acknowledge that significant pressure and challenges remain across the service. Targeted action plans are being developed with staff to tackle these areas."

If anyone is concerned about an adult and think they are at risk, or if a person's situation is unsustainable, they should contact the council immediately on 0345 602 7050.

If you or someone you know needs practical help with daily living, there are organisations that can provide help and support. Visit Equipment and Adaptations at Home to search for organisations that can help support you.

AskSARA ( is an online self-help guide providing expert advice and information on products and equipment for older and disabled adults. Answer some questions about yourself and your environment and you'll receive a free personalised report, providing clear, tailored advice written by experts on ways to help with your daily activities.

If you want information or advice about your well-being - or want to know how you can help somebody else, visit Dewis Cymru's website

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