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Notice: Welsh Language Standards Annual Report

Gas cylinders and bottles no longer accepted at Household Waste Recycling Centres

Image of gas bottles

24 May 2023

Image of gas bottles
From 1 June 2023, Powys Household Waste Recycling Centres will not accept gas cylinders and bottles.

There are many types of gas cylinders and bottles with the majority of the large ones designed to be used again and again. Once empty, or no longer needed, these large propane and butane cylinders and bottles can be returned to the manufacture or retail, where they can be checked over and reused for years to come. In some instances, you may be able to reclaim a deposit when returning these type of gas containers.

Check the cylinder or bottle for details of how to return and recycle, or visit:

Smaller camping gas style canisters are only designed for a single use, but sometimes can also be returned to suppliers (please check with your retailer first). If recycling, please ensure the canisters are completely empty before taking to your local Household Waste Recycling Centre.

"Making sure we dispose or recycling our old or unwanted items correctly is very important." Explains Cllr Jackie Charlton, Cabinet Member for a Greener Powys. "Working together with Potters Group, the contractors responsible for managing the county's Household Waste Recycling Centres, we try and make sure that getting rid of your waste responsibly is as easy as possible.

"However, there are certain items which we are unable to accept at the recycling sites. From 1 June 2023 we will no longer be able to accept gas cylinders and bottles.

"Although this may seem inconvenient, these items are actually very easy to recycle by returning to your place of purchase. If this isn't an option, you can contact either Calor Gas or Flo Gas direct to arrange for a return.

"The most important thing to remember is to never throw away gas bottles, cylinders or canisters in your general rubbish bin, as they may explode in the lorries or transfer stations when crushed."

A full list of what can and cannot be recycled at the kerbside and at the Household Waste Recycling Centres can be found online: A to Z of waste and recyclable items