Welsh Books
Book Title Y Goeden Gofio
Information about the book Stori deimladwy a thyner sy'n dathlu bywyd drwy son am farwolaeth. Mae Cadno wedi byw bywyd hir a hapus yn y goedwig, ond mae e wedi blino erbyn hyn. Un diwrnod, mae'n gorwedd yn ei hoff fan ac yn cwympo i gysgu am byth. Cyn bo hir, mae ei holl ffrindiaun cwrdd yn y fan honno i gofio amdano.
Author Britta Teckentrup
ISBN-10 1848517017
ISBN-13 978-1848517011
Age range 2-6
Book Title The Memory Tree
Information about the book Fox has lived a long and happy life in the forest, but now he is tired. He lies down in his favourite clearing, and falls asleep for ever. Before long, Fox's friends begin to gather in the clearing. One by one, they tell stories of the special moments that they shared with Fox. And so, as they share their memories, a tree begins to grow, becoming bigger and stronger with each memory, sheltering and protecting all the animals in the forest, just as Fox did when he was alive.
Author Britta Teckentrup
ISBN-10 1408326345
ISBN-13 978-1408326343
Age range 2-6
Book Title Llyfr trist
Information about the book Mae pethau trist ym mywydau pawb - falle fod gennyt ti rai y funud hon wrth i ti ddarllen hwn. Meddwl am ei fab Eddie a fu farw sy'n gwneud Michael Rosen yn fwyaf trist. Yn y llyfr hwn mae'n sgwennu am ei dristwch, sut mae'n effeithio arno, a rhai o'r pethau y mae'n eu gwneud er mwyn ymdopi a'r tristwch
Author Michael Rosen
ISBN-10 1913733823
ISBN-13 978-1913733827
Age range 7-12
Book Title Michael Rosen's sad book
Information about the book It chronicles Michael's grief at the death of his son Eddie from meningitis at the age of 19. A moving combination of sincerity and simplicity, it acknowledges that sadness is not always avoidable or reasonable and perfects the art of making complicated feelings plain.
Author Michael Rosen
ISBN-10 9781406317848
ISBN-13 978-1406317848
Age range 7-12
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