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Notice: Careline customers please be aware of this scam (January 2025)

Childcare Offer Additional Support Grant Guidance Notes


Every provider will expect to have some children with additional needs at some time. With careful planning and organisation most of these children are able to participate fully in the activities and experiences provided. Practitioners can ask for guidance from the Powys Childcare Team (please see Powys Childcare Team information in annexe).

- contact details below.

  • Powys Childcare Team - 01597 826399

There is an expectation that settings are planning for inclusion (e.g. through their ALN or inclusion policy) and are allocating staff resources e.g. ALNCO time. There may be times when providers need some extra support.

What is the purpose of the Powys Childcare Additional Support grant?

How the funding should be used

The funding awarded through the Additional Support Grant is specifically linked to childcare hours accessed by a child at a registered childcare provision.

The funding awarded through the Additional Support Grant should be spent according to each individual child's need. Additional Needs covers a wide spectrum of needs and consideration should be given to how funding can be used to allow equal access to the provision based on that specific child's needs. Funding could be used for the following purposes:

  • Training for providers- this may include non-mandatory training on specific medical needs or more general training that is directly linked to the provision of care for a specific child.
  • Equipment- some children may require additional equipment. This will vary depending on the child's needs, but could include additional learning materials or specialist play equipment. Specialist equipment that the child requires all of the time (such as mobility aids) should be provided by the local authority's health service.
  • Additional staffing- this could be to provide specialised support for children with more severe needs. This could range from helping with additional daily care needs, to developing more complex learning plans and strategies in consultation with children's families and external services. Funding can also be used to provide cover for staff who are specialised in providing support for a child with additional needs.
  • Physical adjustments to settings- this could include adjustments for children with a particular access need, the creation of specific spaces for children with additional needs, changes to the setting for children with a visual impairment, or making improvements to acoustics for children who are deaf.

Who can apply?

The funding is available to

  • CIW registered childcare provision delivering the Welsh Government Childcare Offer to eligible children living in Powys.
  • CIW registered childcare provision delivering the Welsh Government Flying Start childcare to eligible children living in Powys.
  • CIW registered childcare provision delivering childcare to children living in Powys.

When inclusion support is considered, children may be grouped together, rather than supported individually.

Factors that can cause an application for funding to fail:

Each individual application will be considered on merit. It is very important that the application is completed fully and accurately, indicating exactly how the additional support will be used. All applications are presented to a panel for a decision on their suitability. To help you in planning your application, listed below are some factors which could result in a request failing or being deferred.

 Funding will not be awarded:

  • To subsidise places.
  • To support a child that is not living in Powys.
  • To support mandatory training that does not relate to the needs of a child who is accessing the offer.
  • Where insufficient explanation has been given as to how the funding would be used e.g. request for funding for a small group but with no explanation as to what this would achieve.
  • Where Inclusion is not the primary purpose of the application.
  • Where funding is requested retrospectively.
  • For non-specialised resources that should be part of your general provision.
  • For activities that should form part of your normal provision
  • If guidance and strategies already shared have not been embedded
  • If the application form is incomplete or difficult to read.

What happens once I have submitted my application?

Each application needs to be individually assessed at panel to take into account the particular circumstances associated with the request. The panel generally meets every other week. You will be informed of the outcome of your application within 1-2 weeks of the panel date.

Please be aware that each award will be reviewed every half term. Awards are subject to change.

If you are unsuccessful, the reasons will be set out in the decision letter.

Panels are held every other week.

Please speak to a member of the childcare team to discuss.

** Please ensure that ALL information is completed on the referral form. Applications can not be discussed if there is information missing**

Please note that funding cannot be agreed retrospectively so your application must be submitted in plenty of time.


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