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Powys thanks Armed Forces

Pictured with the Armed Forces Day Flag is (from left to right) Cllr Matthew Dorrance, Deputy Leader and Armed Forces Champion; and Cllr James Gibson-Watt, Leader; and Jack Straw, Interim Chief Executive.

20 June 2023

Pictured with the Armed Forces Day Flag is (from left to right) Cllr Matthew Dorrance, Deputy Leader and Armed Forces Champion; and Cllr James Gibson-Watt, Leader; and Jack Straw, Interim Chief Executive.
Ahead of Armed Forces Day on Saturday, 24 June, Powys County Council's Deputy Leader, Cllr Matthew Dorrance expressed his thanks to the nation's servicemen and women.

Armed Forces Day is a chance for everyone to show their support for the men and women who make up the Armed Forces community.

Armed Forces Day celebrations begin on Monday 19 June when the Armed Forces Day flag is raised on buildings and famous landmarks around the country.

Cllr Dorrance, who is also the council's Armed Forces Champion and chairs the Armed Forces Covenant Regional Partnership Powys, said: "I would like to take this opportunity on Armed Forces Day to recognise and give sincere thanks and support to the British Armed Forces.

"I am deeply proud of our servicemen and servicewomen - theirs is the ultimate public service.

"Our Armed Forces play a crucial role in defending our communities at home and abroad. They showed total professionalism with their support in Powys during the pandemic and continue to play a crucial role in defending the UK and our NATO allies."

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