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Powys residents encouraged to find out more about becoming Shared Lives carers

Two people smiling and laughing

26 June 2023

Two people smiling and laughing
People living in Powys with a spare room and an interest in caring for our communities are being encouraged to find out more about Shared Lives carers.

This week is Shared Lives Week (26-30 June), and Powys County Council will be raising awareness of Shared Lives and celebrating its Shared Lives carers for supporting vulnerable adults to live thriving, independent lives.

The council manages the Shared Lives service, where people can get support and develop their independence.

People who use the service live with, or visit, Shared Lives carers, who open their homes and hearts to them and support them to lead the life they want.

If you would like to find out more about the Shared Lives service, members of the team will be at the following locations during the week:

  • Monday 26 June - 10am - 3pm - Morrisons, Brecon
  • Tuesday 27 June - 10am - 3pm - Tesco, Newtown
  • Thursday 29 June - 10am - 3pm - Tesco, Llandrindod Wells
  • Friday 30 June - 10am - 3pm - Tesco, Welshpool

Cllr Sian Cox, Cabinet Member for a Caring Powys, said: "Every year Shared Lives Week is the time when we celebrate the fantastic work of Shared Lives carers and the wonderful achievements of the people supported by them.

"People living or staying with Shared Lives carers have a home where they know they belong and make real choices about how they want to live.

"Shared Lives carers share their homes and their time with people who need care and support, helping them to accomplish their goals and live their best lives.

"We are currently looking for new Shared Lives carers. Could this be you? Shared Lives carers come from a variety of backgrounds, and offer different kinds of support, from long-term homes, to short breaks, to sessional support. They receive ongoing support and training and receive a regular allowance for their work.

"If you're interested and would like to find out more, our Shared Lives team would love to meet you, at any of the four locations across the county this week or hear from you by email or phone; whichever way is best for you, do please get in touch."

If you'd like to find out more, please contact the Shared Lives team by emailing or telephone 01597 827247.

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