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Notice: We will be carrying out maintenance on the Powys County Council website on Wednesday, 12 March

Pathway 1 - Supported Home First

Pathway 1

You and the professionals may decide that you need a little bit of extra support when you go home to get you back to being fully independent, in this case we may send you home with the Home First or Reablement service.

The Powys Home First team brings people out of hospital so that assessments can be done in the comfort and safety of their own home. It is a short-term service (up to 10 days) to promote independence and regain the skills and confidence needed to complete everyday tasks safely at home.

An Occupational Therapy-led Discharge to Recover and Assess Model in Powys is supporting people to return home promptly and safely from hospital - Powys Teaching Health Board (

Powys Reablement team

The Reablement Team work alongside Powys Teaching Health Board Therapy teams which include Occupational Therapists and Physiotherapists.

Visit our Reablement webpage for more information - Reablement Support

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