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T3 and T7 Waste Exemption Guidance Notes

When should I use this form?

The Environmental Permitting (England and Wales) Regulations 2016 say that most activities to manage waste should have a permit. However, there are some exceptions called "exemptions".

Exemptions are waste operations that do not need a permit but do need to be registered. Most exemptions need registering with Natural Resources Wales. The following exemptions are the responsibility of local authorities:

T3 - The treatment of relevant waste for the purposes of removing grease, oil or any other non-metallic contaminant by heating it in an appliance where:

  • the total quantity of waste stored or treated at any one time does not exceed 10 tonnes,
  • the waste is stored in a secure location with sealed drainage,
  • the appliance has a net rated thermal input of less than 0.2 megawatts, and
  • where it is used together with other appliances (whether or not it is operated simultaneously with such other appliances), the aggregate net rated thermal input of all the appliances is less than 0.2 megawatts.

T7 - The treatment of waste bricks, tiles and concrete by crushing, grinding or reducing in size where:

  • the total quantity of waste treated over any period of 1 hour does not exceed 20 tonnes,
  • the total quantity of waste stored at any one time does not exceed 200 tonnes,
  • the waste is stored in a secure place prior to treatment,
  • the treatment is carried on at the place of production, or at the place where the treated waste is to be used, and
  • the operation does not result in the release into the air of a substance listed in paragraph 6(3) of Part 1 of Schedule 1, of the EPR, except in a quantity which is so trivial that it is incapable of causing pollution or its capacity to cause pollution is insignificant.

Which Local Authority registers my T3 or T7 waste exemption?

For mobile plant it is the local authority in whose area the establishment or undertaking has its principal place of business and for non mobile plant, it is the local authority in whose area the waste operation is carried on. We have provided this form so you can register a waste operation with Powys County Council.

Where can I find the guidance?

You can find more information in Section 40 and Annex XXIII of the General Guidance Manual issued for LA-IPPC and LAPPC, revised April 2012. The EP Regulations can be obtained from website.

How much does it cost?

There is no charge for registering these exemptions.

How do I register?

The application form sets out the information we need to register your exemption. We have made the form as straightforward as possible, but please get in touch with us at the local authority if you need any advice:


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