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Keeping Active

Staying active

Balance problems and/or muscle weakness also cause falls. It is best to remain as active as possible and improve strength through regular exercise- even small amounts of movement can help.

By building muscle strength in the legs, arms, back, shoulders and chest, you or your elderly relative can improve posture, co-ordination, and balance, hence reducing the risk of falling.

Here are support links that you may be interested in: -

  • Specialised support and classes available through GPs via National Exercise Referral Scheme (NERS)
  • Strength and balance classes may be available in your local area.
  • Tai Chi is a good exercise for strength and balance for those who are not frail.
  • Something is better than nothing.
  • Do something you enjoy.
  • Good guidance from NHS Choices, Community Safety Partnership, Age Cymru, Dewis Wales website

Stay Active at Home - Strength and balance exercises for older adults:


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