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Notice: Careline customers please be aware of this scam (January 2025)

The Planning Process

Planning Application Report

A planning officer's report, whether to a planning committee or as part of delegated decision making by officers, has a role upholding the transparency of the planning system, explaining the material considerations and their relative weight in coming to a recommended decision.

Reports should be clear and concise. The use of 'planning jargon' will be avoided, when possible, to ensure that a member of the public with no knowledge of the planning system can understand the issues that the local planning authority must consider.

The local planning authority should ensure that all aspects of the proposed development for which planning permission is sought are clearly stated.

Statutory Consultee responses will be included in the report. These can be summarised if the response is particularly detailed.

The number of public representations received, including a breakdown of those that support/object to the development, will normally be recorded in the report and accompanied with a summary of those representations.

The final section of the report should be an analysis of the development assessed against all identified policy considerations and other material considerations.

It should be clear to all that read the report how the development complies or not, with the polices stated in the report. A case officer recommendation, including any conditions, will be placed at the end of the report.

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