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Notice: Household Flood Claim Form - Storm Bert & Storm Darragh: Were you affected???

Budget survey launched


11 December 2023

The people of Powys, businesses and service users are being asked to share their views with the Council as part of the budget setting process.

Cllr David Thomas, Cabinet Member for Finance and Corporate Transformation said: "The Council is facing severe financial pressures for financial year 2024-25 and for the foreseeable future, pressures that will dominate the way we deliver services for many years to come.

"It is inevitable that these pressures will change the way we operate, the council we have today will not be affordable in the future. We must adapt if we are to survive and part of planning for the future is listening to the people of Powys.

"Powys is not alone facing a bleak financial future, local government throughout Wales is facing the same severe pressures. The Welsh Local Government Association in its response to the Chancellor's Autumn statement said authorities in Wales faced a £411 million blackhole in the next financial year.

"The stark message has been backed by an independent financial forecast from the Wales Fiscal Analysis, which predicts a gloomy outlook for public services across Wales for years to come.

"We must plan for the future and the budget engagement is just the first step in that process. We are committed to full and frank discussion with the people of Powys and service users throughout this challenging time," he said.

The survey can be found using the following link and is available at libraries. The closing date is January 7.

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