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Notice: Welsh Language Standards Annual Report

Business Consultation

New money

5 January 2024

New money
Powys businesses are being offered a chance to comment on the county council revenue budget for the coming financial year.

The county council is inviting businesses to comment on the 2024/2025 revenue budget as part of an online consultation exercise.

Cabinet Member for Finance and Corporate Transformation, Councillor David Thomas said: "The budget is important for business throughout the county and by providing an opportunity for businesses to express their views online everyone has the same opportunity to comment no matter where they are based."

Those who are interested are invited to visit the Council's website: and click the link to Councils Committees and Meetings/Cabinet agenda 16 January 2024 or use the direct link below:

which will take you direct to the Cabinet papers with full details of the proposed Council's budget (available from 9 January).

All responses to the consultation should be addressed to the Head of Financial Services, Powys County Hall, Spa Road East, Llandrindod Wells, LD1 5LG for this purpose by 15 February 2024.

The responses will be summarised and form part of the overall consultation response when the budget is considered on 22 February by Full Council.