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Notice: The Council Tax and Awards (benefits) phone lines will be closed on Friday 14 March due to a system update.

Background to the Supply Chain Portal


Fairer, Stronger, Greener

Powys County Council Cabinet has placed tackling the climate and nature emergencies at the heart of its new Stronger Fairer Greener Corporate Plan declaring a Climate emergency in 2020, and a nature and biodiversity emergency in 2022.

The Council is committed to drive down its own greenhouse gas emissions in its services, reducing its contribution to further climate change for future generations towards becoming Net-Zero as a Council by 2030 and helping individuals and communities to make that transition by 2050.

We want the actions we take as a Council and in partnership with others to have immediate and lasting positive impact to help individuals make more informed choices to assist their individual wellbeing and self-reliance, and the collective resilience of their communities to the challenges we face. The Council recognises that a more sustainable future for Powys communities requires not only a clear-sighted vison but also the determination and wherewithal to deliver in a way that is fair to all.


We want to ensure a greener future for Powys, where our well-being is linked to that of the natural world, and our response to the climate and nature emergencies is at the heart of everything we do.

Council Climate change plan

The Council developed a climate change strategy with the following vision as a council "In 2030 Powys County Council is carbon neutral and climate resilient."

Alongside this strategy the council has developed a climate and nature transformation programme and are in the process of finalising ambitious action plans focussed on key areas of decarbonisation across scopes 1, 2 and 3.

These priority areas include mobility and transport, buildings, land and rivers, governance, sustainable procurement, and energy. The council like most large public sector organisations procure a wide range of products and services to enable us to deliver the best quality and affordable services to our residents and communities. This does however mean that our scope 3 supply chain emissions account for a significantly large proportion of our carbon footprint.

Supply Chain

We are committed to work with suppliers to embed sustainability at the core of all we do. The council is keen to work with suppliers who are committed to decarbonise their operations and deliver greener services for the council, supporting us to reduce our greenhouse gas emissions and positively contribute towards our climate and nature ambitions and a greener council and county.

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