8 projects get SPF money to boost adult numeracy skills in Powys

26 January 2024

The awards have been made by the Powys Shared Prosperity Fund (SPF) Local Partnership Board, under its Multiply (improving numeracy skills) theme.
It is responsible for deciding how the just over £26 million in SPF money allocated to Powys for 2022-25, by the UK Government as part of its Levelling Up programme, should be spent.
The Powys SPF Local Partnership Board is supported by Powys County Council's Economic Development and Regeneration Team.
"Our objectives under the Multiply (improving numeracy skills) theme are for more adults to achieve maths qualifications or participate in numeracy courses, for there to be fewer numeracy skills gaps reported by employers, and an increase in the proportion of adults that progress into sustained employment or education, and increased adult numeracy across the population generally," said Cllr David Selby, the council's Cabinet Member for a More Prosperous Powys and Chair of the Powys SPF Local Partnership Board.
"We want to support adult learners to improve their understanding and use of maths in their daily lives, at home and at work - and to feel more confident when doing so."
The projects that have been successful under the Multiply (improving numeracy skills) theme are:
- Numeracy in Health, £310,317, to NPTC Group of Colleges working in partnership with Powys Teaching Health Board, for a skills audit and to provide a range of maths-based courses to staff.
- Moving Forward, £191,700, to Threshold DAS, to provide more than 28 accredited courses and qualifications in a wide range of numeracy related subjects, for people from disadvantaged backgrounds, the unemployed, socially isolated, offenders or those at risk of offending.
- Expand Numeracy Skills for Employed Adults, £235,316, to Mid Wales Manufacturing Group, to provide a range of training opportunities, including to teaching assistants, in collaboration with Powys County Council.
- Mid Wales Multiply Parents Programme, £235,495, to Equal Education Partners, to provide courses for parents who want to improve their maths skills so they can help their children or aid their own career prospects.
- Money Mystery, £57,741, to The Family Place, for a practical course about money for care-experienced adults, plus a mystery trip.
- Cooking Counts, £156,020, to Powys County Council, to run sessions in the county's most deprived areas, to promote healthy eating and discuss budgeting techniques.
- Numeracy Matters: Developing Effective Numeracy, £105,031, to NPTC Group of colleges, to help employers develop the numeracy skills of their workforce through a range of courses.
- Numeracy at Home - Empowering Parents, Carers and Guardians to Support Their Children's Learning, £242,418, to NPTC Group of Colleges, to run courses for adults that will include Basic Arithmetic, Everyday Maths and Financial Literacy.
For more information on the UK SPF in Powys visit: UK Shared Prosperity Fund or email: ukspf@powys.gov.uk
The Powys SPF Local Partnership includes Powys County Council, Bannau Brycheiniog National Park Authority, Powys Teaching Health Board, NPTC Group of Colleges, Business Wales, Mid Wales Regional Skills Partnership, Mid Wales Tourism, Mid Wales Manufacturing Group, Powys Association of Voluntary Organisations, Wales YFC, NFU Cymru, Farmers' Union of Wales, Chambers Wales, and One Voice Wales.