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Notice: Welsh Language Standards Annual Report

Powys Business Start-up Grant

As part of their ongoing commitment to economic development and supporting businesses Powys County council are delivering a Powys Business Start Up Grant which is funded by the UK Governments Shared Prosperity Fund.

The aim of the grant intervention is to strengthen local entrepreneurial ecosystems and support businesses at all stages of their development to start, sustain, grow, and innovate, including through local networks

The aim of the Start Up Fund is to support the creation of new businesses in the county, resulting directly in the creation of jobs, therefore improving the local economy.

The Fund will be a business grant scheme, which will include support towards capital expenditure projects and specialist revenue expenditure (not including ongoing running costs), where new jobs are a created and/or safeguarded because of the financial support.

The Offer

  • Grants available between £1,000 and £10,000.
  • Each grant award will be based on 50% of eligible costs OR a maximum of £5000 per job created whichever is the lesser. (At least one new job must be created to access the fund) The business owner can be included as a new job
  • The minimum grant award is £1000 (based on at least one new job created) and the maximum grant award per business is £10,000 (based on at least 2 jobs being created)

Find out how to apply Business Start-up Grant