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Notice: The Council Tax and Awards (benefits) phone lines will be closed Friday 14 March due to a system update.

Outcome Focused Approaches

Provider:  Autism Wellbeing

Target Audience: Social Work Teams and Care Providers


  • A training course to apply a strengths based approach to work with citizens who use services.
  • The power of the conversation
  • Focussed on resolving service user dilemmas.
  • Collaborating in achieving a sustainable outcome, building on strengths, maximising autonomy and independence.
  • The communication skills of our staff enable them to engage with service users in a wide variety of challenging circumstances. This course is designed to build on worker skill and confidence to empower their service users.
  • These skills are sufficient to engage service users in managing their lives and draw on their own resources.
  • Workers can create a momentum for change through collaborative communication skills that communicate both acceptance and empathy whilst focussing upon the most central and important issues and dilemmas.
  • Collaborative communication skills can help workers in any type of helping or therapeutic setting to help persons explore and hopefully resolve their dilemmas about crucial issues that they identify in their lives.


  • To support the power of the conversation. Focussed on resolving service user dilemmas. Collaborating in achieving a sustainable outcome , building on strengths, maximising autonomy and independence. This course will equip workers with the skills and strategies of collaborative communication.
  • A combination of practical exercises and discussion will enable participants to identify and put into practice the core skills and strategies of engagement and collaborative working.

Participants will be able to:

  • Consider 'Good beginnings'
  • Define meaningful outcomes
  • Explore internal motivation
  • Deepen reflective listening skills
  • Consider defensive behaviours ,explore useful skills and approaches
  • Learn the strategic use of key questions
  • Explore strengths based practise
  • Consider ways to support their skills in their work settings.



  • Online training


There is no charge to attend these courses, however a cancellation charge may apply to non-attendance if sufficient notice is not given

Express an interest in this course here Expression of Interest Form for Training Courses


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