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Notice: Careline customers please be aware of this scam (January 2025)

How do I get help with mental illness?

First, go to see your GP. There are lots of things they can do to help.

If you need more in-depth help, they will be able to refer you to the Primary Mental Health staff who help people who have:

  • depression
  • anxiety and panic attacks
  • stress
  • difficulty coping with life events.

They offer:

  • advice and support to use self-help materials
  • cognitive therapy courses (CBT)
  • stress management courses
  • evidence-based talking therapy sessions to overcome common problems
  • counselling
  • referral to longer term support if needed.

If you need longer term support, you will usually be referred to the local Community Mental Health Team, where you will have access to health staff and social workers.

There are lots of voluntary organisation where you can speak to people, without the need of an appointment.

Here are some useful links of support available

The Samaritans offer 24/7 support:

Powys Mind:

C.A.L.L- Community, Advice and Listening Line-

Powys Mental Health Information and Participation Service- PAVO-

Here you can find all GP surgeries in Powys contact details-

Our ASSIST team can be contacted for signposting and further support information if required.

ASSIST Email:, ASSIST Phone: 0345 602 7050



  • Email:
  • Phone: 0345 602 7050 (8.30-4.45 Monday - Thursday and 8.30 - 4.15 Friday)
  • Emergency Duty Team 0300 333 2222 (Delta Wellbeing out of hours service)
  • Text: Adults in Powys who are deaf or have hearing loss can text the ASSIST team on 07883 307 622. (8.30-4.45 Monday - Thursday and 8.30 - 4.15 Friday)
  • Address: ASSIST (Adult Social Care), Powys County Hall, Spa Road East, Llandrindod Wells, Powys, LD1 5LG

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