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The Wales Tourism Picture

Llangorse Lake jetty

The detail below provides an outline of the tourism picture across the national, regional and local spectrum.

  • Revised infrastructure of regional tourism across Wales (2013) in which Welsh Government (via Visit Wales) asked areas to identify tourism partnerships of key stakeholders and work toward the 'Destination Partnership' approach
  • There are four regions across Wales - North, Mid, South West and South East.
  • Twenty four Destination Partnerships exist, largely operating across Local Authority boundaries. The Mid and North Powys Destination Network (MNPDN) covers the areas of Montgomeryshire/ Radnorshire. Brecon Beacons Destination Partnership in the south.
  • This infrastructure has enabled closer working relationships with Visit Wales, regional

Destination Partnerships and key stakeholders.

  • Powys and Ceredigion Local Authorities work closely, as part of the wider Mid Wales region, to plan and deliver joint projects.

Destination Management

Destination management is designed to make each destination work effectively from a visitor perspective. To do this effectively needs buy-in from a range of stakeholders involved in the delivery of visitor experiences on the ground. Working in partnership is essential to ensure the overall quality of services and facilities is in line with visitor needs and expectations. Destination management keeps the visitor, their needs and the quality of the experience they receive at the heart of what it does. 

Powys County Council tourism service is committed to supporting a destination management approach, as endorsed by previous Visit Wales in the 'Partnership for Growth' Tourism Strategy. The tourism service works in partnership with Visit Wales, partner organisations, tourism businesses, clusters and community groups.

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