Regional Priorities - Mid Wales

Powys is the largest county in Wales with a sparse population who live in relatively remote rural areas. Tourism is one of the largest employers and increasingly rivals agriculture in its economic importance across the county economy.
Across this geographical area however the tourism sector can sometimes struggle to assimilate detail, often missing opportunities for product development linkage as well as promotion.
As a large county and with a National Park consuming much of the southern area, the focus varies dependent upon local status and capacity.
- The area has a wealth of asset - particularly within the natural sphere/landscape, providing opportunity for activity, event and experience that reflect the charm/appeal of the area and the blend more holistically into our local economies - spreading economic prosperity further and more deeply into the communities.
- Tourism is increasingly acknowledged as a growing sector and one that to be valued within rural Mid Wales, particularly at uncertain times within the historically predominant agricultural sector.
- Ensure provision of year-round cultural, leisure and art for Powys residents to encourage them to stay in the county (Vision 2025, Powys County Council)
In 2023, a new Regional Tourism Study was developed for Mid Wales to support the development and prioritise tourism future investment, to strengthen and build resilience in the regional visitor economy.
The Mid Wales Tourism Study / Action Plan is published on the Growing Mid Wales website documents page.