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Notice: The Council Tax and Awards (benefits) phone lines will be closed Friday 14 March due to a system update.

Tourism Funding Opportunities

Which funding programme you hone in on will very much depend upon the detail of what you're doing, what resources you need, whether you're a business, community project or other.

Remember that with funding comes justification of why your activity is needed, adhering to the relevant funder requirements (which all have good reason) and being meticulous in your reporting, both financial and otherwise. Funding is sometimes considered the easy option but its as prudent in its distribution as you would be if someone asked you to invest in them.

If you are looking for assistance to develop an enterprise, then contact us for free help and advice.  or

If you're not sure where to start but know what you want to achieve, Powys County Council's Economic Development and Regeneration Team can do a funding search to help you out.

Follow 'Grow in Powys' on social media to see regular funding bulletins and links to a variety of funding sources.

Help and support is also available from others...

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