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Research - Get the stats to back it up

Powys County Council tourism service undertakes a variety of research into tourism trends, visitor satisfaction, bedstock and the impact of tourism on the economy of Powys.

Sitting on the Visit Wales research partnership, we gather data in conjunction with other organisations and local authorities in Wales. 

Powys County Council


  • STEAM data

2-3 years

  • Buy additional site locations and/or questions for the Wales Tourism Visitor Survey

To request a copy of the most recent STEAM report, or the most recent Visitor Survey Report, please contact

Wales (Visit Wales)


  • Wales Tourism Business Barometer (quarterly)


  • Wales Tourism Survey (every 2-3 yrs)
  • Visitor Experience Monitoring
  • The Wales Occupancy Survey
  • Bed stock data

Detailed Research

GB (Visit Britain)

  • International Passenger Survey (IPS)
  • GB Tourism Survey (GBTS)
  • GB Day Visitor Survey (GBDVS)

Detailed Research

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