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Interpreting the Research

What does it all mean?...

Demand and Market Research

Tracks market and competitive conditions and identifies opportunities, preferences and barriers for attracting different markets including visitor decisions.


  • Information to understand underlying market and demand conditions
  • Estimates of the volume, value, characteristics of trips taken from different markets and opportunities for growth
  • International Passenger Survey, GB Tourism Survey and GB Day Visitor Survey provide a strong basis for this
  • Track underlying demand drivers via published economic stats e.g. leisure spending, real earnings
  • Market Conditions -interest and plans for visiting.
  • Type of holidays being planned
  • Perceptions of Wales and competitor destinations
  • How is our marketing performing: KPIs -Conversion, Visitor Spend, Changing perceptions, Diagnostics.
  • Information broken down by target segments, region
  • Population Tracker surveys (UK travellers but potentially other markets)
  • Pop up surveys website/social media/partnerships
  • Follow-up conversion surveys

Supply Side Research

Tracks the competitiveness and performance of the industry and capacity to meet changing market needs

  • The Wales Occupancy Survey
  • Wales Tourism Business Barometer
  • Visitor Attractions Survey
  • Bed stock data

Visit Britain and International Markets

  • Not just International Passenger Survey (IPS) data
  • Consumer trends in each country, booking, planning and travel behaviour
  • Perceptions of Britain held by each market
  • Visitor activity and whether they would recommend the UK
  • Support for travel trade

Visitor Experience Monitoring

Identifies the profile and behaviour of visitors and visitor satisfaction helps identify areas of competitive advantage and priorities for investment

  • VISITOR PROFILE - Demographics, age, lifecycle, party size, gender, previous experience of Wales
  • TRIP PROFILE - Location, activities, transport, accommodation
  • VISIT MOTIVATIONS - Perceptions, past experiences
  • INFORMATION - Sources used in visit planning and during visit
  • ATTITUDES AND RATINGS - Satisfaction with the visit, facilities, 'sense of place'
  • EXPECTATIONS - Did it meet expectations, will they return, will they recommend Wales


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