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STEAM Annual Report 2022

STEAM 2022 Summary

Showed a pleasing upward trend in the volume and value of visitors to the county, although still below the 2019 pre-pandemic figures.

  • Total economic impact of tourism £1.12 Billion - % change on 2019 1.6%
  • Total visitor days (Millions) 11.75 - % change on 2019 -3%
  • Staying visitor days (Millions) 8.98 - % change on 2019 -1.3%
  • Total visitor numbers (Millions) 4.80 - % change on 2019 -3.8%
  • Number of staying visitors (Millions) 2.02 - % change on 2019 -3.8%
  • Number of day visitors (Millions) 2.77 - % change on 2019 -7.9%
  • Number of FTE jobs supported by tourism spend 12,054 - % change on 2019 -4.7%
  • Total spend in local economy - £1.12 Billion p.a.
  • Average spend per visitor day - £71.17

STEAM is an international tourism economic impact modelling process which approaches the measurement of tourism from the bottom up, through its use of local supply side data and tourism performance and visitor survey data collection. STEAM quantifies the local economic impact of tourism, from both staying and day visitors, through analysis and use of a variety of inputs including visitor attraction numbers, tourist accommodation bedstock, events attendance, occupancy levels, accommodation tariffs, macro-economic factors, visitor expenditure levels, transport use levels and tourism-specific economic multipliers'.

Insights from the Tourism Profile in Mid Wales Report, 2017 - 2019

  • In 2017-2019 an annual average of 1.9 million overnight domestic GB trips, 99,000 international visits and 12.3 million Tourism Day visits were made to Mid Wales, with an average annual associated spend of £994 million.
  • Mid Wales received 19 per cent of overnight domestic trips, 10 per cent of international visits and 13 per cent of Tourism Day visits to Wales. Expenditure on tourism visits in Mid Wales accounted for 16 per cent of tourism expenditure in Wales.
  • The annual average for tourism expenditure in Mid Wales rose by 32 per cent from £755 million in 2016-2018 to £994 million in 2017-2019. In comparison, related tourism expenditure for Wales fell by 2 per cent to £6.21 billion.
  • Visiting friends and family remains a key reason for trips within Mid Wales (18%, 2017-19), complemented by outdoor activities (13%) and going out for a meal (10%).
  • Although broad in its geographical nature the figures provide a guide to the upward trend in the visitor economy across rural Mid Wales. Importantly they also show key reasons for travel and the increasing awareness within the sector of a need to provide experiential, memory making moments for the key market segments.
  • Key markets remain the 'independent explorer' across all ages. Those who wish to tailor experiences to their own needs, travel in small groups and immerse themselves in our natural and manmade landscapes.

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