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Notice: We will be carrying out maintenance on the Powys County Council website on Wednesday, 12 March

Cooking Counts

Celebrating the Success of Our Cooking and Numeracy Course

Thanks to a successful bid from the UK Shared Prosperity Fund, we proudly delivered a Cooking and Numeracy course across Powys. This innovative, informal 6-week program aimed to promote functional numerical skills through cooking and was offered free of charge to eligible participants. The course was a resounding success, bringing together individuals from across the community to enhance their numeracy skills in a fun, practical, and engaging way.

We're excited to showcase the achievements, experiences, and outcomes from this initiative. Explore this page to see highlights, testimonials, and how the course made a positive impact on participants and the wider community.

For more information about similar future opportunities, please contact the Community Health Protection and Wellbeing team.

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