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Notice: We will be carrying out maintenance on the Powys County Council website on Wednesday, 12 March

Rural Enterprise Dwellings for Small-Scale Horticulture

This planning guidance has been prepared specifically to support and assist small-scale horticultural enterprises in the preparation of a planning application for a Rural Enterprise Dwelling (permanent or temporary).

Planning Guidance for Rural Enterprise Dwellings on Smaller Scale Horticultural Enterprises (PDF, 355 KB)

It provides detailed guidance for the preparation of a Rural Enterprise Dwelling Appraisal that must be submitted with a planning application and has been developed to reflect the unique and specific circumstances of these enterprises.

The guidance supplements and should be read alongside Technical Advice Note 6: Technical advice note (TAN) 6: planning for sustainable rural communities | GOV.WALES

An example of a Time Record Sheet (for recording working hours) is available to download here Small farm working hours record 12 month (ZIP, 140 KB)

Planning Case Study examples can be obtained on request from

In preparing this planning guidance, the Council acknowledges the contributions of the following organisations:

Applicants considering a Rural Enterprise Dwelling on other types of enterprise should refer to Rural enterprise dwellings: guidance | GOV.WALES

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