Rural Enterprise Dwellings for Small-Scale Horticulture
This planning guidance has been prepared specifically to support and assist small-scale horticultural enterprises in the preparation of a planning application for a Rural Enterprise Dwelling (permanent or temporary).
It provides detailed guidance for the preparation of a Rural Enterprise Dwelling Appraisal that must be submitted with a planning application and has been developed to reflect the unique and specific circumstances of these enterprises.
The guidance supplements and should be read alongside Technical Advice Note 6: Technical advice note (TAN) 6: planning for sustainable rural communities | GOV.WALES
An example of a Time Record Sheet (for recording working hours) is available to download here Small farm working hours record 12 month (ZIP) [140KB]
Planning Case Study examples can be obtained on request from
In preparing this planning guidance, the Council acknowledges the contributions of the following organisations:
- TerraPermaGeo
- Social Farms & Gardens
- Our Food 1200
- Land Workers Alliance
- Lantra
- Cultivate
- Powys Sustainable Food Places Partnership (hosted by Cultivate)
- Gwlad Consortium hosted by Sustainable Farming Consultancy
Applicants considering a Rural Enterprise Dwelling on other types of enterprise should refer to Rural enterprise dwellings: guidance | GOV.WALES