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Notice: The Council Tax and Awards (benefits) phone lines will be closed on Friday 14 March due to a system update.

What can happen after a Child Protection Enquiry?

What happens after

When the enquiry has been undertaken and the needs of the child have been assessed, Children's Services may decide to make a referral to the most appropriate service or organisation.

This support does not have to come directly from Children's Services.

If the child is not deemed to be at risk of significant harm, and there are no needs which require ongoing support, Children's Services will cease their involvement. You will receive a letter that confirms no further action and closure.

If it is assessed that it would be helpful for a family to be offered additional support, Children's Services are likely to continue their involvement by completing a Wellbeing Assessment. This enables Children's Services to work with the family to agree a plan of support

However, if following information gathering, there is evidence that any of the concerns which have been raised can be proved, and a child (or children) are considered to be at risk of significant harm, Children's Services will recommend that an Initial Child Protection Conference (ICPC) takes place.

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