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Notice: The Council Tax and Awards (benefits) phone lines will be closed Friday 14 March due to a system update.

Our Offer

our offer

Anyone will be able to approach our team to discuss their health and wellbeing needs, and the team will be able to provide basic clinical reviews in order to enable early identification of any health issues.

Additionally, if required the team will be able to signpost to other sources of support. 

At each location the team will be offering a host of things including: 

  • A safe space for discussion of health and wellbeing issues.  
  • Lifestyle discussions including healthy weight, activity levels, smoking and alcohol use.  
  • Blood pressure, pulse and oxygen saturation checks. 
  • Blood glucose checks if criteria met. 
  • Smoking cessation advice. 
  • Information on screening (e.g. Bowel screening) and vaccination.  
  • Signposting and awareness of mental health support. 

The Farming Fit offer will remain under review and will be adapted to support any identified needs. 

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