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Notice: The Council Tax and Awards (benefits) phone lines will be closed Friday 14 March due to a system update.

Report a Trading Standard issue

If you believe that a business or trader is in breach of trading standards, let us know and we will investigate further.

For example, you: -

  • have seen children being sold tobacco, alcohol, fireworks, spray paints or knives

  • have been told an elderly or vulnerable person have been pressurised into purchasing unwanted goods or services

  • know where counterfeit products are being sold

  • have been misled by poor labelling or pricing displays

  • have been charged more than the marked price

  • have bought potentially dangerous goods or toys

  • have bought a car with a false mileage reading

  • have bought short weight or measure goods

  • have purchased food or drink that has been misdescribed on a label or a menu

  • have purchased food that is 'out of date', not of a satisfactory quality or does not meet minimum compositional standards?


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