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Young Carers

Young Carers are children and young people under 25 who have caring responsibilities from someone who has a physical or mental illness, a physical or learning disability or a drug or alcohol problem.

There is support especially for young carers from Powys young carers.

Young carers from across Powys have produced a short animation. The film highlights the perceptions that some people may have of a young person without knowing their day-to-day challenges of juggling school and home life while caring for a family member.

A young carer would have to carry out a number of tasks, including:

  • General care (such as giving medication, changing dressings, helping with mobility
  • Domestic tasks (such as cooking, cleaning, washing, ironing, shopping)
  • Emotional support (such as listening to and supporting people)
  • Intimate care (such as dressing, washing, and helping with toilet requirements)
  • Childcare (such as helping with younger siblings)
  • Other care (such as helping with household and other administration tasks, bill paying, accompanying to the doctor's or hospital)

What to do if you are a young carer

If you think that you, or someone you know, may be a young carer, it is important that you tell us about your situation so that you - and the person you care for - can get the help and support you need.​

For further information and advice on Young Carers or to make a Young Carers referral you can contact Credu directly. Your parent and or school can support with referring you to Credu to become a young carer. 

What kind of help will I get?

Young carers often take on grown-up responsibilities. This means that they often miss out on the things that other children may take for granted, such as opportunities to learn, play and have fun.

We work closely with Credu Cares and other agencies to help you enjoy your childhood by giving you:

  • Emotional support and advice
  • Support to get help at home
  • Advice on taking break from caring
  • The opportunity to take part in fun activities
  • The chance to meet other young people and share experiences
  • Help with your concerns or difficulties
  • Help to access education

Contact Credu for further information and support.

Phone: 01597 823800

Website: Carers Cymru | Credu | Information for Young Carers


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