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Fifth Annual Report for Powys Public Services Board

Image of Lake Vyrnwy and the Powys Public Service Board logo

22 July 2024

Image of Lake Vyrnwy and the Powys Public Service Board logo
Powys Public Services Board's annual progress report for 2023/24 was agreed at its meeting on 18 July 2024.

Powys Public Services Board (PSB) is a statutory partnership of public bodies operating in Powys, working together with other organisations and the people of Powys to improve well-being in local communities by working together in a more sustainable manner.

PSB's have a duty to review their progress made against their Well-being Plan annually. Powys' Well-being Plan was most recently reviewed in 2023 (in effect until 2027) making this the first annual report against the new Well-being Plan.

County Councillor James Gibson-Watt, Chair of Powys PSB said: "As a PSB, we have great hopes and ambitions for the future. However, we know that Powys is experiencing significant challenges, both to people's well-being and in the physical environment that we all depend on.

"People are living with the first-hand effects of the deepening climate and nature emergencies, and the increased cost-of-living means that differences in health, wealth, and happiness are growing and becoming more unequal. These complex problems need creative solutions that get to the heart of the issues to fix them at their source.

"I look forward to sharing more updates as we work together to create a 'Fair, Sustainable and Healthy Powys' for all. In the meantime, the following update presents an overview of the work that has been undertaken amongst partner organisations to progress the Well-being Plan we published last year.

The 2023/24 annual progress report provides an overview of the activities of the three Steps:

  • Responding to the Climate Emergency
  • A Whole System Approach to Healthy Weight
  • Evidence and Insight

The three Steps and their work programmes are aligned with the three objectives of Powys PSB's Well-being Plan, with the overall aim of achieving the Board's vision of a Fair, Sustainable and Healthy Powys.

The Annual Report was also scrutinised by the Powys PSB Scrutiny Committee, helping to drive improvement in the way Powys PSB delivers its duties and promotes well-being for Powys residents.

The annual report can be read here Our Annual Progress Report

If you would like to get in involved or tell us what you think, please let us know by e-mailing

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