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Why Welsh-medium?

Why Welsh-medium

  • Learners who understand more than one language can think more creatively and with more flexibility and tend to do better in IQ tests
  • Being bilingual has a positive effect on the brain by keeping it active later in life
  • Being bilingual can reduce the risk of dementia
  • In Wales, being able to speak Welsh fluently is a valuable extra skill which will give your child a head-start when looking for work
  • Being bilingual gives access to two different cultures and two worlds of experience
  • Bilingual people find it easier to learn a third language and show more tolerance towards other cultures
  • Across Wales bilingual children tend to achieve better results - including in English!

You'll find information about research supporting these statements here.

View our Destination Bilingual booklet to read about the benefits of choosing a Welsh-medium education (PDF, 864 KB)

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