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Notice: We will be carrying out maintenance on the Powys County Council website on Wednesday, 12 March

Groes-lwyd and Guilsfield How to get involved

A copy of the draft Traffic Regulation Order text, existing traffic regulation order plans, proposed traffic regulation order plans, the first press notice and the Council's statement of reasons for proposing to make the Order, may be downloaded from this site.

ANY PERSON may not later than 6th October 2024 submit objections and other representations to the proposed Order to the undersigned in writing, stating their substantiated grounds for objection.

Please note: Should you wish to object, support or make representations, your correspondence will be considered by the project team and we may need to consult with people and organisations outside of the County Council. As part of the process of consulting with others we may pass information to them, including information you have given us and your personal data. We will however, only disclose your personal details where it is necessary to do so to enable us to deal with issues you have brought to our attention.

Traffic & Safety Systems Manager

Traffic Section

Powys County Hall

Llandrindod Wells



Objections and other representations which must include your name, email address, full postal address, and substantiated reasons for any objections may also be lodged by email to not later than 6th October 2024. Please use the wording " Various Roads, Groes-lwyd and Guilsfield - Speed Limit Review Representation" as the subject line for your email so that your email can easily be identified as a representation to this particular Traffic Order proposal.

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