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Notice: Full details of the new Household Recycling Centre booking system and charges for DIY waste are available on the council website.

Help with Finding a Care Home

Find a Care Home in Powys

If you or someone you care for is thinking about making a care home your permanent place of residence, use the link below to search for a care home in Powys and read related advice.

Find a care home in Powys

Moving to a Residential or Nursing Care Home

Making a decision to move - usually to where you think you will receive more care - is a very hard decision and perhaps the most important decision you have had to take.

AgeUK has a lot of information to help you. Please see "Care Home" options at the AgeUK website.

ExtraCare is accommodation which gives residents their own apartments in a building which also has support staff on site. You can find out more on our ExtraCare web page.

One of our partners ClwydAlyn Housing Association has made a video showing one of their ExtraCare developments in north Wales. You can watch the video on YouTube

How do I get help?

It is important that you choose a care home that meets your needs. You are entitled to an assessment to find out exactly what your needs are, whether your care is going to be State funded or paid for privately. Even if you will be paying privately it is useful to have an assessment of your needs if there is a chance that you might need to seek funding from the council in the future.

To ask for an assessment, check eligibility and see costs, please use the link below:

Ask for an assessment Make a Referral for Care Services


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